The Green Glide Project - actual and next future Evolutions

Paolo Maggiore
Politecnico di Torino

This work describes the design, development and improvements of the project Green Glider that have been conceived at the Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering Department of the Politecnico di Torino. The paper includes a description of the steps and milestones achieved by the research group over the past two years, starting from flight test experiences with a large model used as flight demonstrator and lessons learned, and ending with the definition of the idea of an autonomous electric fuel cell motor-glider with a dedicated recharging station. The emphasis focuses on recent work and next future planned developments.
The main objectives of this research are to increase the reliability and performances of future operations of small electric aircraft and UAVs, including technologies for increased autonomy and independence from fossil fuels. The Green Glider plane should be also understood as a flying test-bed to develop and test new technologies dedicated to the electric flight.