Gianluigi Baldesi is an Aerospace Engineer at the European Space Agency in Estec centre (The Netherlands) since 2003. He is currently coordinating advance simulation activities in the Mechanisms Section of the Directorate of Technical and Quality Management in order to provide new capabilities and essential expertise in supporting several European aerospace projects (such as VEGA, ATV, ISS payloads, Galileo, ..). Furthermore, Gianluigi is also technical officer of relative technology development programmes. He holds a 2nd Degree Master (postgraduate) in "Satellites and orbital platforms" from "Sapienza", University of Rome (Italy) and a "double" Ph.D. in Systems Engineering with honours on "Modelling, Control Design and Simulation for a launch vehicle: from linear to nonlinear methods" from "Sapienza", University of Rome (Italy) and ISAE, ex SUPAERO (France). He recently graduated with my MBA from Columbia Business School and London Business School's joint Global Executive MBA program in addition to maintaining full-time professional responsibilities at the European Space Agency. Gianluigi is also serving as chairman of the Multi-body Dynamics Working Group within NAFEMS since 2011.

CAE advancements for space vehicle design

Gianluigi Baldesi - ESA/ESTEC

Based on the latest improvements in software and technical experience, the modelling and simulation approach enhances the design and verification process of aerospace projects. This refers to several aspects such as:

  • Anticipate and understand hardware performance
  • Identify criticalities of key design parameters by means of parametric/sensitivity analyses
  • Optimise the hardware design
  • Correlate and interpret the H/W performance by model-assisted approach
  • Diagnose any potential anomaly