The second edition of the award for "the International Poster Award: A poster for CAE" has been really successful, both in terms of participants and quality of the submitted works.
This initiative has been promoted and sponsored by EnginSoft, being one of the promotion and dissemination activities that the company is constantly committed in to foster simulation culture. This award has a double aim: the first is to acknowledge the quality and innovation of the project developed in the universities and the second is to offer a privileged context in which academic experiences and industrial world could meet and get mutually known.
41 posters, submitted by Italian and foreign universities and research centers, passed the selection; 5 projects won the award and 4 deserved the "mention of distinction".
Posters were evaluated and voted by registered users and by the Scientific Committee members, consisting of professionals committed in transferring and disseminating numerical simulation techniques and knowledge, both on academic and industrial level, therefore able to influence the future of R&D: Aronne Armanini (Università di Trento, Italy), Sanzio Bassini (CINECA, Italy), Roberto Battiti (Università di Trento and co-founder of Reactive Search, Italy), Franco Bonollo (Università di Padova, Italy), Gabriele Dubini (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), Natalie Fedorova (ITAM SB RAS, Russia), Giorgio Fotia (CRS4, Italy), Michael Gasik (Aalto University, Finland), Carlo Gomarasca (Ansys, Italy) Gianluca Iaccarino (Stanford University, USA), Giuseppina Maria Rosa Montante (Università di Bologna, Italy), Enrico Nobile (Universita di Trieste, Italy), Bernardo Schrefler (Università di Padova, Italy), Christos Theodosiu (DTECH Corp., Greece) and Giorgio Zavarise (Università del Salento, Italy).
The winners were celebrated on October 21st in the frame of the International CAE Conference, held in Lazise (Verona). During the ceremony, presented by Luca Viscardi of Radio Number One, the five best posters were officially announced in front of the audience and their authors personally awarded with a tablet pc by Stefano Odorizzi, enterprising and prominent expert of Computer-Aided Engineering and Maurizio Cheli, astronaut, pilot, test driver and successful manager.
The list of the five award winners is provided here below:
For further information, please go to Poster Award section, or contact