When projects turn into numbers and data become sequences able to predict any single variable; when complicated calculations are able to work out any step of any process thanks to increasinglycapable computers and software, then we understand the power of computer-aided simulation. Even if we don't realize it, simulation is deeply rooted in our everyday life. The creation of computational models allows us to obtain more precise and reliable results with a dramatic reduction of time, economic resources and risks. Virtual prototyping has already become an essential reality – no longer confined to the laboratory, but a necessary component of every industrial sector.
An exciting moment of the Conference:
the connection with the Italian astronaut
This renowned engineering event in the heart of Europe brought together scientists, researchers and managers from various sectors to show how "engineering simulation" can improve our tomorrow. They shared their progress in medicine, engineering, environmental-friendly and renewable energy, safety, aerospace exploration and the management of natural phenomena; together exploring how we may improve our future, our world and our lives. That the answer lies (at least in part) through the blossoming of technological advancement was made visible and almost tangible over the two days of the International CAE Conference in Pacengo sul Garda from the 21st to the 22nd October. Our prestigious conference attracted a global audience from various backgrounds and disciplines with a common understanding that no product, process or service innovation can disregard engineering simulation.
This year (the 29th) extends an incredible record. The Scientific Director of the International CAE Conference, Stefano Odorizzi, initiated this remarkable event thirty years ago, and has nurtured and promoted it over three decades with the aim of capturing the state of the art of a methodology whose great potential has proved to be absolutely revolutionary. What started as an Italian initiative is now not just a European, but also a worldwide reference point. Delegate numbers confirm this trend: a 25% increase in participants (in comparison to 2012), with thirty seminars and workshops divided into different sectors (energy, civil engineering, transportation and biomechanics, among the others), this year with a strong focus on Aerospace & Defense. Fourteen projects displayed their results and prototypes in the R&D area, and 30 remarkable sponsors (including Nvidia, HP, IBM and ANSYS) filled our exhibition space - including EnginSoft, the Italian multinational company, headquartered in Trento, founded by Stefano Odorizzi in 1984. EnginSoft is renowned for its computer aided engineering systems and solutions, its commitment to the value of virtual prototyping and the priority it places on innovation, dissemination and education in the latest innovative methods and software. For these reasons EnginSoft has consistently prioritized the development of the International CAE Conference (www.caeconference.com), as well as its quarterly EnginSoft SBES (Simulation Based Engineering & Sciences) Newsletter. These tools offer simulation engineering experts and opinion leaders the ability to share information, projects and experiences throughout the year, as well as enjoying the opportunity to gather in person at the annual Conference. This year we were joined by extraordinary key-note speakers Maurizio Cheli, the Italian astronaut; Alexander Simpson, Global Research leader of General Electric; Catherine Riviere, President of PRACE and GENCI general manager; Michael Gasik, from Aalto University Foundation in Finland and Bernardo Schrefler, who is involved in Padova and Houston in medical research, to predict cancer evolution with relation to medical treatments.
Prof. Odorizzi from
during the
Conference welcome
Maurizio Cheli, the Italian astronaut with over 360 hours of space flight, including the Space Shuttle, and 4500 hours flight on highperforming aircraft, opened the International CAE Conference 2013 and sealed a connection between this event and the Torino Piemonte Aerospace initiative that took place at Lingotto from October 22nd to 24th. This is the first step of a new collaboration between the companies working in the aerospace sector and the scientific and institutional community. "The technology coming from aerospace and applied to everyday life can strongly support the Italian economy. Access to supercomputers is essential to guarantee industrial competitiveness and top-level scientific research. From this perspective, Europe has no reason to be envious of United States and Asia," stated Cheli. It is rare for a conference presentation to generate a widespread emotional impact on an audience, but this was certainly the effect of a live connection with International Space Station and the ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano. He greeted the audience by reminding us how essential simulation is to the support of space mission preparations, allowing astronauts to train and cope with extreme and risky situations. "I have to thank all you researchers", he admitted, "for enabling me to be here and talk to you!" Another Italian representative, contributing to another space mission, is Paolo Belluta who works at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Los Angeles. He flew back to Italy to participate in the International CAE Conference and presented his work as driver of the Mars rovers Spirit, Opportunity and now Curiosity. "These vehicles cost millions of dollars and could be lost forever due to a simple accident. If we couldn't take advantage of engineering simulation to analyze the driving context and condition, we would be the ones totally lost!"
The International CAE Conference was honored by the presentations of two renowned Italian scientists, Francesco Iorio and Carlo Sborchia, authors of extraordinary projects, well-supported by simulation. Francesco Iorio, engineer and professor at Politecnico di Milano, is the creator of the futuristic non-seismic damping system of the Isozaki Tower in Milan. In 2015 the tower will reach a height of 207 meters to become the tallest skyscraper in Europe. Carlo Sborchia is an Italian genius working in France in the ITER project, the revolutionary nuclear reactor that, using hydrogen (tritium) instead of uranium, will solve the problem of radioactive waste.
The economic difficulties that characterize the industrial world are strongly affecting scientific research. Laboratories and universities have their funds reduced, with the result that innovative projects cannot achieve their potential impact – this disproportionately affects younger researchers who have form the core teams of such projects. For this reason the International CAE Conference has introduced the Poster Award aimed at Research Centers and Academia with an impressive feedback of over 300 projects related to simulation engineering. Forty of them have been selected for judging by the scientific committee, with five prizes awarded. The most innovative project has also been rewarded with an unexpected opportunity for its young author, the proposal is to be employed by EnginSoft: "It's a personal commitment that I have decided to make," observes Stefano Odorizzi, "reflecting an observation that in Italy there's little place for meritocracy and a serious lack of opportunities for talented people. Companies don't pay attention to them, while managers should be more responsible and act accordingly. I hope to become a positive example to be followed, and if other Italian companies would do the same, investing in young talent, the way-out of this crisis would be much closer."